
  • Classes are "blueprints" for objects
  • Define abstract data type, reference objects and instance variables
  • Objects store state, attributes, behavior


  • Methods are behaviors or actions (think functions) applied to objects
  • Use constructors to make objects
  • Main method used to test class (public static void)


  • Accessor methods lets you 'get' variable values
  • Mutator methods lets you change instance variables
  • Non-void methods return value of data type, no parameters
  • Void methods don't return anything but take parameters
// modifier, return type, name, parameters
public double getArea (double width, double height) {
    // method body


2021 1a, 3a

// 1a: write the method scoreGuess

public class WordMatch {
    private String secret;

    public WordMatch(String word) {

    public int scoreGuess(String guess) { 
        int score = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i<= secret.length()-guess.length(); i++) {
            if (secret.substring(i, i+guess.length()) == guess) {
    return score * guess.length() * guess.length();
// 3a: Write the ClubMembers method addMembers

public class ClubMembers {
    private ArrayList<MemberInfo> memberList;

    public void addMembers(String[] names, int gradYear) { 
        for (String name : names) {
            memberList.add(new MemberInfo(name, gradYear, t));